Lassig Diaper Bags Overview

Lässig from Germany offers stylish diaper bags and kids bags made of 100% pollutant-free materials, eco-text certified muslin, baby blankets and bibs and NEW LASSIG SWIMWEAR.

Green Label
The Green Label collection by LÄSSIG stands for sustainable production and materials. The bags are made of non-toxic materials and are produced resource-efficiently. The collection is above all very diverse. Elegant classics meet young, fresh designs. The assortment comprises bags made of recycled PET bottles, designs using resource-efficiently dyed Ecoya® material and even bags that make trees grow.

Neckline bag “Denim Blue”
Presented with the Red Dot Award 2014 in the category “Best of the Best”.

Neckline bag “Ecoya”
Received the Plus X Award for highest quality, functionality and design.

All bags contain neither PVC nor nickel, and are naturally free of AZO dyes and phthalates. The best part is that they do not look like diaper bags. The design coupled with functionality is what makes Lassig the best diaper bag on the market. Each bag contains a changing mat, insulated bottle holder, hooks that fit all strollers and a lot more detail in each bag.

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Lassig 4Family Catalogue 17-18
